'A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'
Mare: love her curls
Morris: love his energy
Together: love their play
Spring is in the air. We brengen veel tijd buiten door, deze week voor het eerst zonder jas. Rode wangen, zwarte nagels en vieze kleren, zo hoort het. De kinderen eten beter en slapen heerlijk. Welkom lente!
This week we could go outside without layering up for the first time this year. The kids played until their fingernails got dirty, their clothes got stained and their cheeks got red. That's what childhood should look like. Plus, they eat better too! Yay for spring!This week I liked Norah-Leigh accessorizing with pillows | the braid in Eleanors hair | these sweet little toes | the b for bum and this hug!
Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity!
Beautiful portraits this week, I just adore that one of your boys together, so sweet!