'A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'
Mare: having fun at the beach playground
Morris: climbing up and down the dunes
Together: bouncing! Love that one lock of hair of Mare standing up!
Een heerlijk weekend aan zee. Morris en Mare renden over het uitgestrekte strand en vermaakten zich prima met een paar stokken. Morris klom op en neer in de duinen, oftewel muggenland (waarschijnlijk refererend aan het prikkende duingras). Mare smeet wat met zand. Business as usual! :)
We spent the weekend by the sea. Morris and Mare had lots of fun running around at the beach, climbing up and down the dunes, playing with sticks and throwing sand around!
Lots of great pictures to choose from this week! I loved this sunny picture of Sunny. I would live in that room as well! | Great use of negative space in this pic! | I love how Emily captures the personalities of her children: stunning pictures! | Check out these photo's of Gracie at the park: the light is just gorgeous! And look at that artwork, wow!
As always, linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.
As always, linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.
Heerlijke foto's, vooral de derde.. 'k geniet erg van deze blog, natuurlijk heeft dat er mee te maken dat ik Morris & Mare ook weleens echt heb mee gemaakt.